1.Hsieh HM, Tsai SL, Shin SJ,Chiu HC*, "Effectiveness of Pay-for-Performance Incentive Designs on Diabetes Care.Medical Care (2rd revision review), 2015
2.Yeh, S.C.*, Yuan, K.S., Chou, H.C., Huang, S., Lo, Y. Y., Chen, S.H., Chiu, H.C. (2015). The moderating effect of leadership on the relationship between personality and performance. (3rd revision review) Journal of Nursing Management
3.Chie WC, Hsiao CF,Chiu HC, Poon Ronnie, Baccaglini L, Blazeby JM et al. Differences in health European and Asian patients with primary liver cancer-related quality of life between,Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, (2rd revision review) SCI
4.Chen CM, Mullan J,Chiu HC* 2015The Longitudinal Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Chronic diseases for Older Adults: A Population Based Study, J. Gerontol.Ser. A-Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. (2rd revision review), SSCI/SCI
5.Hsieh HM, Lin TS, Shih SC, Lee YC,Chiu HC* 2015.Pay-for-Performance Program Reduced Macrovascular Complications in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Preventive Medicine, (Accepted for publication) , SCI
6.Chiu HC*,Hsieh HM, Lin YC, Kuo SJ, Yeh SC. et al, 2015. Patient Assessment of Diabetes Care in a Pay-for-Performance Program,International Journal for Quality in Health Care (Accepted for publication, 2015) SSCI
7.Hsieh SC,Chiu, HC,Hsieh YH, Ho PS, Chen LC, Chang WC. The Perceptions and Expectations toward Hospital’s Social Responsibility and Organizational Commitment of Nursing Staff.Journal of Nursing Research,(Accepted for publication) SSCI
8.Su CH,Chiu HC,Shieh HM,Yen JY, Lee MH, Chang KP, Li CY, Huang CJ*.Healthcare Utilization and Expenditures for Persons with Diabetes Comorbid with Mental Illnesses. Psychiatry Quarterly, 2015 1-13 (SSCI)
9.Huang CJ,Chiu HC,Shieh HM,Yen JY, Lee MH, Chang KP, Li CY, Lin CH,. Health care utilization and expenditures of persons with diabetes comorbid with anxiety disorder: a national population-based cohort study.Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2015 Jul-Aug; 37(4):299-304. SCI
10.Hsieh HM, Shin SJ, Tsai SL,Chiu HC*. Effects of changes in diabetes pay-for-performance incentive designs on patient risk selection,Health Service Research2015 Jul 7. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.12338. SSCI/SCI
11.Chen CM, Su YY, Mullan J, Huang MS, Chiu HC*. Trajectories of disability and their relationship with health status and social service use.Exp Aging Res, 2015; 41(3), 240-258. SCI
12.Hsieh HM, Shih, SC,Chiu HC*.Cost-Effectiveness of a Diabetes Pay-for-Performance Program in Diabetes Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions,PLOS One,2015 Jul 14;10(7):e0133163.SCI
13.Kao SH, Lu DK, Lin YL, Hsieh HM, Lin TH,Chiu HC*. Association of Physician Certification Policy and Quality of Care: Evidence of percutaneous coronary intervention certification program in Taiwan.Health Policy. 2015 Aug; 119(8):1031-8. SSCI/SCI, IF: 1.725, 33/70
14.Chie WC, Yu F, Li M, Baccaglini L, Blazeby JM, Hsiao CF,Chiu HC, Poon RT, Mikoshiba N, Al-Kadhimi G, Heaton N, Calara J, Collins P, Caddick K, Costantini A, Vilgrain V, Trinquart L, Chiang C. Quality of life changes in patients undergoing treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma.Quality Life Research. 2015; SSCI/SCI
15.Hsieh HM, Tsai SL, Shin SJ, Mau LW,Chiu HC*, Cost-Effectiveness of Diabetes Pay-for-Performance Incentive Designs.Medical Care. 2015, 53(2), 106-15 (SCI/SSCI) IF:2.941, 8/70
16.Hsieh HM, Lin YJ,Chiu HC*.Impact of pay-for performance on quality of chronic disease care.Journal of Medical Care quality: In Chinese 2014, 8(2), 28-31.
17.Chiu HC, Lin YJ, Hsieh HM, Lee, YC. Development and current Taiwan healthcare management education programs.Journal of Medical Care Quality, in Chinese, 2014; 8(4), 4-8.
18.Tsai MJ, Yang CJ, Kung YT, Sheu CC, Shen YT, Chang PY,Chiu HC*. Metformin decreases lung cancer risk in diabetic patients in a dose-dependent manner.Lung Cancer.2014; 86(2), 137-143. (SCI)
19.Chen CM, Su YY, Lan TY, Mullan J, Shi HY,Chiu HC*. Health-related services use and the onset of functional disability: 10 year follow-up study.Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 2014; 58(3), 356-363. (SCI); IF:1.525.2013 Apr 30; 2013:201976. d(SCI), IF: 1.219; 16/55
20.Chiu HC, Ho TW, Lee KT, Chen HY, Ho WH. Mortality Predicted Accuracy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients with Hepatic Resection Using Artificial Neural Network,Scientific World Journal
21.Shi HY, Chang JK,Chiu HC*Volume Associations in Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Nationwide Taiwan Population-Based Study.Journal of Arthroplasty. 2013;28 (10):1834-1838. (SCI)
22.Chen CH, Lin K, Huang HT, Chang JK, Wu SF, Lin SY, Cheng YM,Chiu HC*; Longitudinal Changes in Bone Mineral Density of Healthy Female Elders in Southern Taiwan.Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2013; 52, 61-65, (SCI) IF:0.947,60/77
23.Lee KT, Wang SN, Su RW, Chen HY, Shi HY, Ker CG,Chiu HC*. Is Wider Surgical Margin Justified for Better Clinical Outcomes for Patients with Resectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma.Journal of the Formosan Medical Association.2012; 111, 160-170.(SCI) IF: 1.695, 57/156 in Medicine, General
24.Ho H, Lee KT, Chen HY, HO, TW,Chiu HC*Disease-free Survival after Hepatic Resection in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients: A Prediction Approach Using Artificial Neural Network.PLoS One.2012; 7 (1):e29179 (SCI) IF: 3.534,8/55 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES.
25.Chen CM, Mullan J, Criffiths D, Kreis IA, Lan TY,Chiu HC*. The Longitudinal Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Disability for Older Adults: A Population Based Study.J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci;2012; 67(10) 1059-1067, (SSCI/SCI) IF:4.985, 1/31
26.Huang CJ, Lin CH, Lee MH, Chang KP,Chiu HC*. Prevalence and incidence of diagnostic depression in patients with diabetic: A National Population-Based Cohort Study.General Hospital Psychiatry. 2012; 34(3):242-248 (SSCI/SCI) IF:2.898,32/124
27.Lin TH,Chiu HC,Voon WC, Lai WT, Sheu SH. Wang CL, Hsu PC, Su HM.The Gly460 Trppolymorphism polymorphism of alpha-adducin gene as a predictor of renal function decline over 4 years of follow-up in an apparently healthy Chinese population.Translational Research. 2012; 160 (2) 162-163 (SCI) IF:2.986,141/421
28.Chie WC, Blazeby JM, Hsiao CF,Chiu HC, Poon RT, Mikoshiba N, Al-Kadhimi G, Heaton N, Calara J, Collins P, Caddick K, Costantini A, Vilgrain V, Trinquart L, Chiang C. International cross‐cultural field validation of an European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer questionnaire module for patients with primary liver cancer, the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality‐of‐life questionnaire HCC18.Hepatology; 2012; 55(4), 1122-1129. (SCI) IF: 10.887, 2/72
29.Chen, W., Chang, C. C., Chiu, H. C., Shabbir, A., Perng, D. S., & Huang, C. K. Use of individual surgeon versus surgical team approach: surgical outcomes of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in an Asian Medical Center.Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 2012; 8(2), 214-219.
30.Chen W, Chang CC,Chiu HC, Sjabbir A, Perng DS, Huang CK. Use of Individual surgeon versus team approach surgical outcomes of Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric pass in an Asian Medical Center.Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases.2012; 8(2), 214-219. (SCI) IF: 3.173, 21/188
31.Huang CJ, Wang SY, Lee MH,Chiu HC*. Prevalence and Incidence of Mental Illnessin Diabetes: A National Population-Based Cohort Study.Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2011; 93(1)106-114 (SCI) IF:2.134,80/116
32.Hwang JR,Chiu HC, Wang SY. Prevalence and Incidence of Anxiety Disorders in Diabetic patients: A National Population-Based Cohort Study.General Hospital Psychiatry. 2011; 33(1) 8-15 (SCI) IF: 2.777, 32/124
33. Wu MS, Lan TH, Chen CM,Chiu HC, Lan TY. Socio-demographic and health-related factors associated with cognitive impairment in the elderly in Taiwan.BMC Public Health, 2011; 11(1), 22 (SCI) IF: 2.364, 41/142
34.Chen CM, Mullan J, Criffiths D, Kreis IA, Lan TY,Chiu HC*. Trajectories of depression and their relationship with health status and social service use.Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2011; 53(2) 118-124 (SCI)IF: 1.438, 30/45
35.Shi HY, Chang JK, Wong CY, Wang JW, Tu YK,Chiu HC, Lee KT Responsiveness and minimal important difference after revision total hip replacement,BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.2010; 11:261. (SCI) IF: 1.941, 21/61
36.Lin MY, Mau LW, Hwang SJ,Chiu HC*.Impact of Late-Stages CKD and Aging on Medical Utilization in the Elderly Population: A Closed Cohort Study in Taiwan.Nephrol Dial Transplant11/77 in UROLOGY & NEPHROLOGY.2010; 25(10):3230-5. (SCI) IF=3.488,
37.Hsu CE, Lee KT, Chang CS,Chiu HC, Chao FT Shi HY. Cholecystectomy prevalence and treatment costs: an 8-year study in Taiwan.Surg Endosc. 2010; 24(12): 3127-33(SCI) IF= 3.436,15/188
38.Chung YC, Cheng KC,Chiu HC*. Influence of Closed Medical Intensive Care Unit on Quality and Medical Resources Use for Patients with Ventilator.Journal Taiwan Hospital Association. 2010; 43 (3): 9-19 (In Chinese)
39.Wei SY, Chang YY, Mau LW, Lin MY,Chiu HC, Tsai JC, Huang CJ, Chen HC, Hwang SJ. Chronic kidney disease care program improves quality of pre-end-stage renal disease care and reduces medical costs.Nephrology. 2010; 15: 108-115.(SCI), IF= 1.172,51/69
40.Wei MH, Lin YL, Shi HY,Chiu HC*. Effects of Provider Patient Volume and Comorbidity on Clinical and Economic Outcomes for Total Knee Arthroplasty A Population-Based Study.Journal of Arthroplasty. 2010;25 (6):906-913 (SCI) IF=2.207,15/61
41.Liou DC,Chiu HC*, Chuang SH, Lu CY. The outcomes and affecting factors analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma patients underwent transcatheter arterial chemoembolization.Chinese J. Radiology. 2010; 35,71-79.
42.Huang, CM, Lin CT, Leu YS, Chiu SC,Chiu HC*.Medical Utilization and expenditure of Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients. T.S.M.H.Medical & Nursing Journal. 2010; 16(4): 237-244. In Chinese.
43.Chung WC, Fan PL,Chiu HC, Yang CY, Huang KL Tzeng DS. Operating room cost for coronary artery bypass graft procedures: Does experience or severity of illness matter?Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2010; 16(6):1063-70 (SCI) IF= 1.003,82/153
44.Wan YH, Lin SL,Chiu HC*, Lin YL. Impact of Regional Alliance on DOH Hospital Executives' Morale.The Journal of Health Sciences.2010;12(2):67-81 In Chinese.
45.Wan YH. Lin SL,Chiu HC*, Lin YL. Impact of Regional Alliance on DOH Hospital Executives' Morale.The Journal of Health Sciences. 2010;12(2):67-81. In Chinese
46.Chung YC, Cheng KC,Chiu HC*. Influence of Closed Medical Intensive Care Unit on Quality and Medical Resources Use for Patients with Ventilator.Taiwan Hospital Association. 2010; 43 (3): 9-19. In Chinese